#1604: Marking the solstice (and talking about taking a break and creating a fifty-day retreat)

Join me for a walk up my hill to visit the Big Oak and mark the moment of the summer solstice.

As you'll have noticed I've been taking a break from podcasting. That wasn't something I had a made a decision about, it just seems to have been happening.

In this episode of One Thing Today I talk about how I think that podcasting break is going to be continuing for the time being and how I hope creating a fifty-day container of time to retreat into will help me get a clearer idea of both the future of the podcast and my wider creative life.

If you'd like to join me in my fifty-day retreat (or just follow along), you can do so over on Patreon.

If you’re not currently a patron but are interested in finding out more about the retreat, I’ve made the introductory video publicly available until the end of July. Watch it here. Become a patron at any level to join the retreat.

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Your support would be very much appreciated <3