#1632: Mid-mourning

I’m very sorry for being so quiet over the last few months. I’ve been having a difficult and exhausting time, but am pleased to be able to report that life is feeling on a more even keel again (just in time for my much needed Hibernation!).

Over the next week I’m going to be sharing four episodes of One Thing Today that I’ve already published over on Patreon. They lead up to the the switch to my Patreon-only annual series, The Hibernation Podcast.

This year, The Hibernation Podcast Is going to be publicly available over on my Patreon page, so even if you're not a patron you'll be able to listen should you wish to.

Here's the first of the final four episodes of One Thing Today of the year:

I recorded this episode of One Thing Today back in late October when I had pretty much withdrawn from the world to spend some time in mourning.

I was just beginning my second week of mourning and had had found myself feeling rather guiltily irritable and so decided to go for a walk to see if that would help shift my mood. 

After visiting The Big Oak, the walk turns into a rather pleasant mushroom-spotting clamber around the edges of The Caterpillar of Oaks…

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Your support would be very much appreciated <3