#1445: [Video] An early morning Tiny Adventure

Early morning calm

It's been a necessarily slow month, but I'm very pleased to finally be here with the next episode of the Go Gently podcast.

I've been staying in a friend's flat in Aberystwyth for a few days and enjoying having so much on my doorstep. Whilst there is a temptation to do more than is wise, I have been able to pace myself reasonably well and even managed an early morning Tiny Adventure.

Would you like to join me for a 6.00 am stroll along Aberystwyth's deserted seafront followed by twenty minutes of creative work in the cosy corner I've created for myself in my friend's flat?

It would be lovely to have your company.

  • If you’re listening to the podcast off-site you can find the video version here.

This episode's work session is eight minutes and ten seconds into the podcast.